Sri Rama
The Beloved and Victorious Hero
Published by
Shubhra Ketu Foundation
and The Mother's Institute of Research
This monograph is part of a series on Value-oriented Education centered on three values : Illumination, Heroism and Harmony. The research, preparation and publication of the monographs that form part of this series are the result of the work and cooperation of several research teams of the Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER) at Auroville.
General Editor: KIREET JOSHI
Author of this monograph: Jyoti Madhok
(Compilation of texts by Jyoti Madhok from Srimad Valmiki-Ramayana)
Art work: Auroville Press Publishers
Printed at Auroville Press, 2009
© Shubhra Ketu Foundation
The Mother's Institute of Research
192 SukhdevVihar, New Delhi 110025
ISBN 978-81-908788-3-8
Illumination, Heroism and Harmony
Sri Rama
The Beloved and Victorious Hero
General Editor: KIREET JOSHI
The Ramayana,
the greatest and most remarkable poem of its kind,
that most sublime and beautiful epic of ethical idealism
and a heroic semi-divine human life
— Sri Aurobindo