Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis - Bibliography






  The Life Divine, ‘Arya’ 1914-1919
Ideals and Progress, ‘Arya’ 1915-16
The Superman, ‘Arya’ 1915-1915
Thoughts and Glimpses, ‘Arya’ 1915-1917
Thoughts and Aphorisms
The Hour of God
Evolution, ‘Arya’ 1915-1918
Heraclitus, ‘Arya’ 1916-1917
The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, ‘Bulletin’1949
The Problem of Rebirth, ‘Arya’ 1915-1921
The Human Cycle, ‘Arya’ 1916-1918
The Ideal of Human Unity, ‘Arya’ 1915-1918
On the War, 1914-1918
War and Self-Determination, 1916-1920
Man: Slave or Free? ‘Karmayogin’ 1909-1910
  The Foundations of Indian Culture, ‘Arya’ 1918-1921
On the Veda, ‘Arya’ 1914-1916
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Isha Upanishad (Sanskrit text with English translation and notes), ‘Arya’ 1914-1915
Eight Upanishads (Sanskrit with English translation and notes)
Kena Upanishad (Sanskrit text with English translation and notes)
The Philosophy of the Upanishads (an early manuscript)
Essays on the Gita, ‘Arya’ 1916-1920
On the Mahabharata (All relevant prose writings with translations from the epic)
The Renaissance in India, ‘Arya’ 1918
The Significance of Indian Art, ‘Arya’ 1918-1921

  The Ideal of the Karmayogin, “The Karmayogin” 1910
A System of National Education, “The Karmayogin” 1910
The National Value of Art, “The Karmayogin” 1909
Speeches, 1908-1909
The Doctrine of Passive Resistance, 1907
Bankim-Tilak-Dayananda, 1907-1916-1918
The Brain of India, 1909
India’s Rebirth (a selection from Sri Aurobindo’s writings, talks and speeches)
The Chariot of Jagannath (translation from Bengali)
Hymn to Durga (Translation from Bengali)
Tales of Prison Life (Translation from Bengali)
Uttarpara Speech
  Elements of Yoga, 1933-1936
Bases of Yoga
Lights on Yoga
More Lights on Yoga
The Synthesis of Yoga, ‘Arya’ 1914-1921
Letters on Yoga: Volumes I & II
Record of Yoga (Diary of Sri Aurobindo’s Yogic experience, (1909-1927):
Vol. I & II
Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother (Letters)
The Mother
The Yoga and its Objects
The Riddle of This World
Correspondence with Nirodbaran: Vol. I & II
  Views and Reviews, ‘Arya’ 1914-1920
Letters on Literature and Poetry
Conversations of the Dead, 1909-1910
The Phantom Hour (a short story), 1910-1912
Kalidasa, 2 Vols. 1898-1904
Vyasa and Valmiki, 1893-1905
The Future Poetry, ‘Arya’ 1917-1920
Collected Poems and Plays: Vol. I & II
Poems Past and Present
Poems from Bengali (translated into English), 1893-1905
Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol (including letters on Savitri)
Last Poems, 1938-1940
More Poems
Vikramorvasie, 1903-1904
Songs of Vidyapati, 1893-1905
Rodogune (a tragedy in 5 acts), 1893-1905

  Illion: An Epic in Quantitative Hexameters, 1893-1905
Vasavadutta (a dramatic romance), 1915
Urvasi, 1893
Ahana and other Poems, 1893-1910
Love and Death, 1900
The Viziers of Bassora (a dramatic romance), 1893-1905
Eric (a dramatic romance), 1912 or 1913
Perseus the Deliverer (a drama based on the Greek legend)
The Century of Life (English translation of Bhartrihari’s Neetishataka in Sanskrit)
Baji Prabhou (a poem)
  To commemorate Sri Aurobindo’s Birth Centenary in 1972, the Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo have been issued in the following 30 volumes:
  Volume 1   Bande Mataram
Volume 2   Karmayogin
Volume 3   The Harmony of Virtue
Volume 4   Writings in Bengali
Volume 5   Collected Poems
Volume 6   Collected Plays and Short Stories
Volume 7   Collected Plays and Short Stories
Volume 8   Translations
Volume 9   The Future Poetry
Volume 10   The Secret of the Veda
Volume 11   Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Volume 12   The Upanishads
Volume 13   Essays on the Gita
Volume 14   The Foundations of Indian Culture
Volume 15   Social and Political Thought
Volume 16   The Supramental Manifestation
Volume 17   The Hour of God
Volume 18   The Life Divine, Book One and Book Two, Part One
Volume 19   The Life Divine, Book Two, Part Two
Volume 20   The Synthesis of Yoga, Part One and Two
Volume 21   The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Three and Four
Volume 22   Letters on Yoga, Part One
Volume 23   Letters on Yoga, Part Two and Three
Volume 24   Letters on Yoga, Part Four
Volume 25   The Mother
Volume 26   On Himself
Volume 27   Supplement
Volume 28   Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol, Part One
Volume 29   Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol, Part Two and Three
Volume 30   Index

  Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo’s Works
Supplement to Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo’s Works
Glossary of Terms in Sri Aurobindo’s Writings
Index and Glossary (of Sanskrit and others Indian Terms) to the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library
The Life Divine Concordance (a computer-generated word-concordance)

Works of the Mother

To commemorate The Mother’s Birth Centenary in 1978, the following works of the Mother have been issued in 17 volumes:

  1.   Prayers and Meditations
2.   Words of Long Ago
3.   Questions and Answers 1929
4.   Questions and Answers 1950-51
5.   Questions and Answers 1953
6.   Questions and Answers 1954
7.   Questions and Answers 1955
8.   Questions and Answers 1956
9.   Questions and Answers 1957-58
10. On Thoughts and Aphorisms
11. Notes on the Way
12. On Education
13. Words of the Mother
14. Words of the Mother
15. Words of the Mother
16. Some Answers from The Mother
17. More Answers from The Mother

All the above Volumes are being published and distributed by Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry – 605 002, India.


Recorded by Satprem in the course of his numerous personal conversations with the Mother, these have been published in French by Institut de Rechers Evolutives, Paris and are available in English in India at Mira Aditi Centre, 62, ‘Sriranga’, IInd Main 1st Cross, T.K. Layout, Saraswatipuram, Mysore – 570 009, India.

Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960
Mother’s Agenda 1961
Mother’s Agenda 1962

Mother’s Agenda 1963
Mother’s Agenda 1964
Mother’s Agenda 1965
Mother’s Agenda 1966
Mother’s Agenda 1967
Mother’s Agenda 1968
Mother’s Agenda 1969
Mother’s Agenda 1970
Mother’s Agenda 1971
Mother’s Agenda 1972-73



Some Other works on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Amrita and Nolini Reminiscences (Ashram Press)
Anilbaran The Message of the Gita (Ashram Press)
Artaud, Yvonne Aurograms (Ashram Press)
Basu, Samar The UNO, the World Government and the Ideal of the World Union (Ashram Press)
Bhattacharya, Pranab Kuamr Talks on the Mother (Dept. of Physical Edu-cation, Sri Aurobindo Ashram)
By the Way (Sri Aurobindo Bhawan, Calcutta)
I Remember (Sri Aurobindo Bhawan, Calcutta)
A Scheme of Education for Bengal (Ashram Press)
Songs of the Youth (Dept. of Physical Edu-cation, Sri Aurobindo Ashram)
Gymnastics Marching (Ashram Press)
Basic Asanas (Ashram Press)
Surya Namasakar (Ashram Press)
Bhattacharya, Supriya Sri Aurobindo on English Poets (Ashram Press)
Champaklal Prayers and Aspirations (Ashram Press)
Chandrasekharan, V. Sri Aurobindo’s “The Life Divine” (Ashram Press)
Chattopadhyaya, D.P. Sri Aurobindo on Man (Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Calcutta)
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: Integral Sociology and Dialectical Sociology (Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi)
Chaudhuri, Haridas and Spiegelberg, F. Chaudhuri, Haridas The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (Allen & Unwin, London)
The Philosophy of Integralism (Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Calcutta)
Danino, Michel The Invasion That Never Was (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore)

  Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh, eds. Sujata Nahar & Michel Danino (Mira Aditi, Mysore)
Dalal, A.S.
Das, Manoj
A Greater Psychology (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo in the First Decade of the Century (Ashram Press)
The Hour of God (Ashram Press)

Dutt, Arun Chandra

Light to Superlight (unpublished letters of Sri Aurobindo) (Prabartak Publishers, Calcutta)

Gandhi, Kishor H.

Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry)

Ghosal, Gautam

Sri Aurobindo and World Literature (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo's Prose Style (Ashram Press)

Gupta, Nolini Kanto

The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo: Volumes I-XII (Ashram Press)
The Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta: Volumes I-VIII (Ashram Press)
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny (Ashram Press)
The Coming Race and Other Essays (Ashram Press)


The Spirit of Auroville (Ashram Press)
Salutations (Ashram Press)
About Savitri (with some paintings), (Ashram Press)
Gems from the Mother (Ashram Press)
White Roses (Extracts of the Mother's letters, Ashram Press)

Iyengar, Srinivasa K.R.

Sri Aurobindo: A biography and a history: Volumes I-II (Ashram Press)

Jauhar, Surendranath

My Mother (Ashram Press)
Jauhar, Tara Growing Up With The Mother (Ashram Press)
Joshi, Kireet

Sri Aruobindo and Integral Yoga (Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi)
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi)
Education for Personality Development,
Education for Character Development,
Education for Tomorrow.
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man, (ICPR, Delhi)
A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher (ICPR, Delhi)
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Youth (ICPR, Delhi) Yoga and Consciousness (ICPR, Delhi)




Glimpses of Vedic Literature (MSRVVP, Ujjain)
Contemporary Crisis of Humanity (Ashram Press)
Education at Crossronds (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore)
A National Agenda for Education (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore)
The Veda and Indian Culture (Maharsi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratisthan, Ujjain)
Portals of Vedic Knowledge
On Materialism (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore) Towards Universal Fraternity (Auroville Press)
Towards a New Social Order (Sri Aurobindo's Action, Pondicherry)
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education: Theory and Practice (ICPR, Delhi)
The Aim of Life (SAIIER, Auroville)
The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil, (SAIIER, Auroville)

Lidchi-Grassi, Maggi r Great Sir and the Heavenly Lady (Ashram Press)
Mishra, Ram Shanka

The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)

Maitra, S.K.

The Meeting of East and West in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (Ashram Press)
Mitra, S.K.

The Liberator (Jaico, Bombay)

Mukherjee, Jugal Kishore

The Destiny of the Body (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master (Ashram Press)

Nahar, Sujata

Mother's Chronicles:

1) Mirra
2) Mirra the Artist
3) Mirra the Occultist
4) Mirra Sri Aurobindo
5) Mirra Meets the Revolutionary
6) Mirra in South India
(Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore)

Nandakumar, Prema

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Ashram Press)

Narayan Prasad Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Ashram Press)
Navajata A Divine Life in Divine Body (Ashram Press)


Talks with Sri Aurobindo: Volumes I-II (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo: I am here, I am here! (Ashram Press)




Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo A Dream Dialogue with Children (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages (Ashram Press)
Memorable Contacts with the Mother (Ashram Press)

Pandit, M.P.

Sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo on the Tantra (Ashram Press)
Selected Works: Volumes I-V (Ashram Press)
Dynamics of Yoga (Ashram Press)
Mother and I (Ashram Press)
The Yoga of Transformation (Ashram Press)
Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)
An Early Chapter in the Mother's Life (Ashram Press)

Pavitra (P.B. Saint Hilaire)

Education and the Aim of Human Life (Ashram Press)

Purani, A.B.

The Life of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)
The Future Evolution of Man (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo in England (Ashram Press)
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo: Volumes I-II (Ashram Press)

Reddy V. Madhusudan

The Vedic Epiphany - Volumes I-III (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy of Evolution (Ashram Press)
Beyond Religion (Ashram Press)
Meditations on the Mother (Ashram Press)
The Alchemy of Her Grace (Ashram Press)


The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Volumes I-II (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo: His Life Unique (Ashram Press)

Roy Dilip Kumar Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (Ashram Press)

Sarkar, Mona

Sweet Mother: Harmonies of Light, Part-I-II (Ashram Press)
The Supreme (Ashram Press)

Sastri, T. V. Kapali

Sri Aurobindo: Lights on the Teachings (Sri Aurobindo Library, Madras)
Collected Works of T.V. Kapali Sastri: Volumes I-XII (Ashram Press)
Flame of White Light (Ashram Press)


The Veda and Human Destiny

Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness



  By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasi
The Great Sense/ Sri Aurobindo and the Future of the Earth
On the Way to Supermanhood
Mother: The Divine Materialism
Mother: The New Species
Mother: The Mutation of Death
The Mind of the Cells
The Revolt of the Earth
Evolution II
The Tragedy of the Earth from Sophocles to Sri Aurobindo
Neanderthal Looks On (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore)
Sen, Indra

Integral Psychology (Ashram Press)

Sethna, K. D.

The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo, The Poet (Ashram Press)
Overhead Poetry (Ashram Press)
Aspects of Sri The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo (Ashram Press)
Ancient India in a New Light (Ashram Press)
Sri Aurobindo and Greece (Ashram Press)

Karan Singh

Prophet of Indian Nationalism: A study of of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh
Political Thought (1893-1910) (Allen & Unwin, London)

Singh, Satya Prakash

Sri Aurobindo, Jung and Vedic Yoga (Standard Publishers, Delhi)
Sri Arabinda Darshanam (in Sanskrit)

Shyam Kumari

Beautiful Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Ashram Press)


Sri Aurobindo - The Story of His Life (Ashram Press)

Vrekhem, Georges Van

The Mother The Divine Shakti (Ashram Press)
The Mother - The Story of Her Life (Ashram Press)

Vrinte, Joseph

The Concept of Personality in Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga Psychology and A Maslow's Humanistic/Trans-personal Psychology (Ashram Press)

The Quest for the Inner Man (Ashram Press)



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