(For consideration, suggestions, modifications, enrichment)
Auroville was founded on 28 February 1968 with the declaration of the Charter announced by The Mother which, inter alia, underlined the aims of unending education, bridging the past and the future, and promoting material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.
In 1984, Auroville established Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research, which has been recognised by the Ministry of Human Resource Development as an All India Institution of Higher Learning. This Institute has a long-ranging programme that seeks to fulfil the aims of education and human unity that are envisaged in the Charter of Auroville.
Teachers and researchers of this Institute have, during the last fifteen years, conducted numerous experiments which are focussed on the problems that relate to primary and secondary levels of' education. These experiments have promoted new methodologies of education, particularly those of "free progress system". It has undertaken innovative programmes such as those of interdisciplinary studies, poetry; art and music and body awareness. This Institute has also conducted research in some of the most fundamental themes of education that are relevant to all levels of education. The central question that has been raised in this research is as to what are the essential elements that every individual needs to study in order to attain true humanhood. Two publications which have become famous all over the country are
"The Aim of Life" and the 'The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil". The Institute proposes to continue this line of research and bring out further publications.
A stage has, however, been reached where research pertaining to higher education can now be undertaken. A good deal of thinking has already been done at Auroville so as to determine the areas in which higher education should be concentrated. Since the ideal of human unity is being fostered in Auroville, it seems that university level education and educational research should be focussed on the theme of human unity. At the same time, since this theme is very vast, and since it is also being pursued in several other international universities, it has been felt that this theme should be focussed at Auroville on certain special subjects, with their own unique features. These unique features arise naturally from the fact that Sri Aurobindo has written a very important book entitled "The Ideal of Human Unity", and this subject has also been dealt with in his other works such as "The Life Divine", "The Human Cycle" and "The Foundation of Indian Culture". Besides, Sri Aurobindo has shown how evolution has at present reached a critical stage, where the, actualisation of human unity has become inevitable. He has also underlined the necessity of laying the foundation of the human unity on the necessity of spiritual transformation leading up to spiritual mutation of humanity into the next species.
Another factor which will, give other unique features in the proposed programme result from the expertise that is already being developed in Auroville, as also from the experiments which are already being conducted at Auroville.
A still further relevant factor is the design to establish in Auroville an international zone, which will consist of cultural pavilions of various nations of the world.
It is also envisaged that the proposed research will seek international collaboration and promote the establishment of assembly of scholars belonging to different countries and cultures.
The very nature of research will, therefore, be international in character.
In view of these considerations, it is proposed to set up a Centre, which will be called "The Centre of International Research in Human Unity" (CIRHU).
The concept of the proposed Centre rests upon four needs:
The Centre will have interdisciplinary approach as it is appropriate to the theme of human unity. In Sri Aurobindo's vision; human unity is a necessary step in the evolutionary progression of humanity; and thus it is closely tied with a larger interdisciplinary theme of evolution.
The Centre will have seven Faculties with organic relationship among themselves and with a Central Faculty.
The Central Faculty will reflect vast interdisciplinarity, and it will receive from other Faculties results of their specific themes of research and also promote them by a process of interchange and enrichment.
This Faculty will constitute the Sri Aurobindo World Centre for Human Unity (SAWCHU), which has begun to be organised at Auroville in 1999, as a part of the celebration of Sri Aurobindo's 125th Birth Anniversary.
This Central faculty will have five major themes of research:
There will be seven other Faculties, which are conceived to be supporting Faculties, and the will concentrate upon different aspects that are relevant to the theme of human unity in the context of evolutionary progression. These seven Faculties will be as follows: "
In due course, new Faculties will be added, along with their respective departments and sections.
Methods of research will not be merely theoretical and ideative but they will centrally be experiential and experimental, and will aim at concrete realisations.
An important aspect of the study of the theme of human unity will be to create in the international zone cultural pavilions representing different cultures' of the nations of the world with special emphasis on provisions that would transmit to the students the messages of these cultures in a living, creative and experiential manner.
The results of research will be made available in the form of monographs, treatises; reference books, textbooks and teaching-learning materials, as also in the form of slides, film strips, full-length films and in the forms which can be adapted for the dramatic performances and other creative methods of learning and teaching.
The Centre will establish contacts and relationships with international universities, international schools and other international organisations in India and in the world as also with such departments of educational and cultural institutions, which are engaged in studies which are relevant to the aims and objects of the Centre.
With the increasing support, academic and financial, the Centre aims to promote what may truly be regarded as international research. Not only will Faculties have scholars representing different languages and cultures of the world, there will also be encouragement to develop a system of international fellowships and international exchange of students and teachers so as to foster a vast programme of collaboration in the fields of studies and experiments in human unity.
It is envisaged to have for this Centre a suitable building with a central- conference room with a capacity for 2000 people, and a number of seminar halls, exhibition halls, committee -rooms, classrooms, laboratories, central and departmental libraries; hostels and canteens. Other facilities will also be provided in this building which will promote new methods of student centred teaching-learning. In due course, a printing press also will be added.
Residential quarters will be provided to the members of the teams of researchers as also for the members of the administrative staff. The Centre will develop programmes for training of teachers in international understanding, peace and human unity. For this purpose, the Centre will provide facilities for teachers under training to study and participate in the research programmes of the Centre. Other suitable facilities will also be made available to them.
Development of this Centre will be gradual and will be so phased as to encourage increasing help from the Ministry of Human Resource Development and various other national and international agencies.
The Centre will not encourage studies for the sake of passing examinations and obtaining certificates/diplomas and degrees; it will aim at the pursuit of knowledge and development of the qualities of heroism and courage, of harmony and mutuality, and faculties and skills, — theoretical, practical and technical.
Students will be trained in the science and art of synthesis and interdisciplinary studies; they will have freedom of choice in regard to the selection of the subjects which are pursued in different Faculties and combine them meaningfully under the guidance of researchers and teachers. Emphasis will be laid on self-help, although requisite help will be available to them through lectures, seminars, group-classes, audio-visual teaching-learning materials, and innovative processes of testing and evaluation that will encourage integral development of personality.
The architectural design and relevant details are being developed.
An outline analysis that will give an overview of the thrusts of the research work of the Centre is given below:
Major Themes of Research:
Theories of Evolution, Spiritual Evolution, Human Progress, Contemporary Evolutionary Crisis, Unity and Diversity; Human Unity, Towards the Next Species
Ancient synthesis of Knowledge: Veda, Upanishads, Gita; other systems of synthesis of the past; Science and Modern Knowledge; Need for a new Synthesis; Integral Philosophy; Integral Yoga; New Synthesis of Knowledge and Human Unity.
History of Religions; Ethical, Aesthetic and Rational Cultures; Contemporary Internationalism; Humanism; Necessity of Spiritual Transformation, Development of Spiritual Culture, Cultural Diversity and Unity; World Culture and Human Unity
State, Nationalism and World Union of free Nations; New forms of Political, Social and Economic Organisation; Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, League of Nations and its Failure; United Nations Organisation; Latest Developments; Towards Actual Human Unity
Concepts of Human Unity and Superhumanly; Supramental Being and Next Species; Experiments in the birth and development of the Next Species; Sri Aurobindo and The Mother: Their Experiments and Realisations for Human Evolution, Human Unity and the Next Species
Concepts of Human Unity and Superhumanly; Supramental Being and Next Species; Experiments in the birth and development of the Next Species; Sri Aurobindo and The Mother: Their Experiments and Realisations for Human Evolution, Human Unity and the Next Species
A. Faculty of Indian Culture and Human Unity Major Themes of Research:
B. Faculty of East, West and Human Unity
Major Themes of Research:
C. Faculty of Education for Human Unity
Major Themes of Research:
Specific Themes to Aid Training of Teachers:
D. Faculty of Arts, Crafts and Technologies
Major Themes of Research:
E. Faculty of Synthesis of Knowledge
Major Themes of Research:
F. Faculty of Futuristic Sociology and Business Management:
Major Themes of Research:
Faculty of Studies in Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Major Themes of Research: